Spring Board Training 2024 Recap!

Posted by Omega Property Management | May 27, 2024

We had quite an exciting time hosting our Spring Board Training last week! With the assistance of SJJ Law, we were able to explore some of Minnesota’s newest legislation.

Brenda Thomas (OPM) and Aaron Brooksby (SJJ) [left] with Lance Stendal (OPM) and Lynne Peterson (OPM) [right]

This involved exploring the verbiage, application, limitations, and implications for laws governing solar panels, marijuana, HOA violations, and the Corporate Transparency Act.

Aaron Brooksby did excellent as he explained the implications of legislation surrounding hearings and HOA fine appeals for community members.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (This is only half of the room and does not include the considerable number of viewers on Zoom!)

For community associations, we know these areas might raise important questions, and we hope we were able to address those questions through our “Ask the Attorney” Q&A session!

Aaron Brooksby was our attorney partner for Saturday, May 18, 2024. Here, he is leading a Q&A “Ask the Attorney” session that allows for open discourse, ensuring HOA Board Members operate in compliance.

Of course, let’s not forget the great assortment of snacks that was available, too! (In fact, they were so tasty that we needed to hurry up and grab a quick shot before they vanished! Thanks for doing that, Tiffani!) This wasn’t everything by any stretch, but you get the idea!

During our Spring Board Training sessions, we displayed a PowerPoint presentation which you might’ve noticed in the images above. We have that complete presentation available for you to view below or download (for FREE!), and we invite you to do so!

We offer our Spring Board Training sessions twice each year—typically in the spring and then again in the fall.

We hope to see you there!